Heroes and Survivors

The stories and legacies of the brave who served in the armed forces for the United States will live on.
Learn about the heroes and survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack and their tales of courage and selflessness that will restore pride for our fellow citizens for generations now and in the future.

DOWNS, Jack A.

April 16, 2015 · Jason Alghussein
HQ Squadron 17th Air Base Group
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Pearl Harbor Survivor from the Ozarks James Carter

March 18, 2015 · Randy Miller
James Carter was a Navy machinist on Dec. 7, 1941, in Pearl Harbor. This Pearl Harbor Survivor from the Ozarks did not talk much about his Navy Career or about the attack on Pearl Harbor. His family knew though that he saved lives when Pearl Harbor was attacked. While he did not discuss the attack […]
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Pearl Harbor Survivor - Frank Chebetar

March 17, 2015 · Randy Miller
Frank Chebetar was a cook on the destroyer Phelps when Pearl Harbor was attacked. He stayed in the Navy through WWII and until 1960, when he had a second career working as a civilian at Naval Security Group, an intelligence command at Norfolk Naval Station. In 1971 Chebetar founded the Pearl Harbor survivors group in […]
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Detailed Story from Pearl Harbor Survivor John A. Rauschkolb

February 09, 2015 · Randy Miller
Pearl Harbor Survivor John A. Rauschkolb did not talk often about Pearl Harbor before he retired as a US Postal worker. Then he began to share his stories and became the leader of the local Pearl Harbor Surivor's club in Marin County, California. Rauschkolb, joined the Navy when he was 17 years old and had […]
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Alvin Bud Christopherson Pearl Harbor Survivor from Montana

December 07, 2014 · Randy Miller
“It’s good to remind people of the history of Pearl Harbor. I knew when I went over there we would be at war, but it was such a horrible incident.” That statement comes from Pearl Harbor Survivor Alvin bud Christopherson. He was an infantryman at the time of the attack and only 16 years old. […]
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Pearl Harbor Survivor From Texas Frank Curre

September 15, 2014 · Randy Miller
We love hearing stories from Pearl Harbor Survivors. Frank Curre, a Pearl Harbor Survivor from Texas, has an incredible story. He shared with NPR's StoryCorps.  You can listen to Frank Curre's story here. Curre was a mess cook on the USS Tennessee when Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941.  Curre said that he […]
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Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors

June 16, 2014 · Randy Miller
Are you one of the Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors? If so you must be proud. It is no exaggeration to call them the Greatest Generation. Pearl Harbor Survivors had to witness a terrible scene that nobody should experience. They lost friends in a sneak attack. We are proud to share the stories of […]
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Pearl Harbor Survivors and Stories

July 18, 2013 · Randy Miller
To those who served our armed forces and experienced the dreadful attack on Pearl Harbor: We salute you. Your stories are important and we hope that by posting your stories we help everyone to Remember Pearl Harbor. Many of our brave Pearl Harbor Survivors are no longer with us. It is our duty to keep […]
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Pearl Harbor Survivor Stories of the Attack

December 06, 2011 · Randy Miller
There was a time when you could visit Pearl Harbor and there would be two or three people telling Pearl Harbor Survivor stories about their experience of the attack. Of course, as time passes, there are fewer and fewer survivors. Fortunately, many Pearl Harbor survivor stories have been recorded and you can watch them here on PearlHarborOahu.com Those […]
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Find a Tour


Remember Pearl Harbor Tour from Waikiki

Guided Tour

6-7 hours (approx.)
From $139

The Complete Pearl Harbor Tour Experience With Lunch

Guided Tour

10.5 hours (approx.)
From $204

Pearl Harbor & Honolulu City Tour from Waikiki

Guided Tour

5.5 hours (approx.)
From $67

Official Passport to Pearl Harbor


6-8 hours (approx.)
From $99.99
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