Alvin Bud Christopherson Pearl Harbor Survivor from Montana
“It’s good to remind people of the history of Pearl Harbor. I knew when I went over there we would be at war, but it was such a horrible incident.”
That statement comes from Pearl Harbor Survivor Alvin bud Christopherson. He was an infantryman at the time of the attack and only 16 years old.
“I thought I was nine-feet tall,” he told the Havre Dailys News. “All I could think was ‘I wish the guys in Havre could see me now,’” he said.
This Pearl Harbor Survivor from Montana was not the only member of his family in the military. Both his father and his younger brother joined after the Pearl Harbor attack.
Mahalo for your service to your country.
If you have stories about Alvin bud Christopherson or any Pearl Harbor Survivors please contact us.