Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors

June 16, 2014
by Randy Miller

Are you one of the Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors?

If so you must be proud. It is no exaggeration to call them the Greatest Generation. Pearl Harbor Survivors had to witness a terrible scene that nobody should experience. They lost friends in a sneak attack.

We are proud to share the stories of your parents in our Pearl Harbor Survivors and Stories Section. If you have a story that you would like to add please contact us.

If you have a parent who was at Pearl Harbor, but you are not a member of The Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors (SDPHS), you might consider it. It is a group of individuals who are direct descendants of Pearl Harbor survivors.

Requirements for membership in the Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors, as they appear on the application are as follows: "Must be the son or daughter, the step-son or step-daughter, the adopted son or daughter, or the nephew or niece of a member of the United States Armed Forces stationed on the Island of Oahu or within three (3) miles offshore on December 7, 1941 at the exact time of the attack, 7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Membership eligibility is extended to all the direct (blood line) descendants (grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-nephews, great-nieces)."

For more information about this great organization visit Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors.

Find a Tour


Remember Pearl Harbor Tour from Waikiki

Guided Tour

6-7 hours (approx.)
From $139

The Complete Pearl Harbor Tour Experience With Lunch

Guided Tour

10.5 hours (approx.)
From $204

Pearl Harbor & Honolulu City Tour from Waikiki

Guided Tour

5.5 hours (approx.)
From $67

Official Passport to Pearl Harbor


6-8 hours (approx.)
From $99.99
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